
IGNITE Your Wellbeing Business Programme!

Turn Your Passion Into Profit: Ignite Your Wellbeing Business and Create the Life You Desire

Are you a wellbeing business owner, coach, yoga teacher, or therapist who feels like you’re spinning too many plates? 

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the demands of running your own business, constantly juggling between client sessions, marketing, and administrative tasks? 

And when it comes to social media, do you feel lost and unsure of how to make it work for your business? 

If these challenges resonate with you – I’ve got you!

Zoe on a mountain top with her arms outstretched

I already know I’m in – sign me up NOW!!

Running a business can feel like a never-ending cycle of stress and exhaustion when you’re trying to do it all on your own. The constant pressure to be present for your clients, while also handling the behind-the-scenes tasks, can leave you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. It’s difficult to focus on your passion and purpose when you’re drowning in a sea of responsibilities (and I haven’t even mentioned your parenting, household or other demands yet!)

The ever-changing world of social media adds another layer of confusion and frustration. With so many platforms and strategies to choose from, it’s easy to feel lost and unsure of how to proceed. This uncertainty can lead to wasted time and effort, with little to no tangible results. 

The lack of a clear business strategy only exacerbates the problem, leaving you feeling stuck and unsure of how to move forward.

But there is hope. By working with a mentor and coach who understands the unique challenges of the wellbeing industry, you can gain clarity, focus, and the tools to build a successful and sustainable business. 

Together, we can create a tailored strategy that allows you to streamline your operations, find balance, and attract and retain clients in a way that feels authentic and aligned with your values. 

It’s time to let go of overwhelm and confusion and step into a future where your business thrives, and you thrive alongside it.

Who is Zoé Carroll?

When I first trained as a coach, I knew how to coach, but I had no idea about the other parts of running a coaching business. I rented a room and hoped that people would find me. They didn’t and I thought that my days as a coach were over. 

I’d had similar experiences with my yoga teaching; hiring a studio, telling people I was running classes and then nobody showing up. It was heartbreaking. And, if I’m completely honest, it was embarrassing too.

Then the Covid pandemic hit and I had to give up my room and studio hire and decide what to do. I could have quit, but I knew that my coaching and yoga was needed in the world and I didn’t want to give up on myself or my dream of creating a beautiful business that would let me give up my soul-sucking day job. 

I invested in all of the areas of business that I knew nothing about. There were lots. And I learnt a lot, but much of it didn’t seem to work for me and my business. 

A lot of the advice was all about maximising profit, selling high-ticket coaching to the few who could afford it, working all of the hours, focussing obsessively about one thing, ignoring my own energy levels and pushing through. It was neurotypical, often masculine and not at all aligned with my spiritual, kind soul and it felt like I was being forced to take a route that I didn’t want to go down. 

I refused to fall for it. There had to be another way. 

And then I found my people. I found a business mentor who understood me, online coaches and mentors who got my thinking and a whole host of supportive people who were building their businesses on their terms. 

I started a membership. I ran courses, and I found perfect fit coaching clients, many of whom have become friends. I’ve learnt so much and my business is flourishing. I’ve never been happier, which is benefitting my family and friends too. 

I really want to share this with you, so that you too can provide fabulous wellbeing services to people and make the World a healthier, happier place.

It might not always be easy, but it will always be worth it.

Being a yoga and mindfulness teacher as well as a breathwork facilitator means I can show you how to use your body to control your mind
A picture of the brain and nervous system of a person
Your nervous system is your mind-body connection. I’ll show you how to use it to your advantage during the programme
As an internationally recognised leader in education and research, you know you’re in safe hands with world-leading techniques

Let’s be honest, you’re in business because you want to make money, and this can feel in conflict with your values because you’re also in business to help people and selling your services can feel icky. 

IGNITE! Your Wellbeing Business shows you how to create a strategy that feels aligned with who you are, how to build offers that you genuinely believe will benefit your clients and how to take the stress out of marketing these offers. 

If your goal is to earn more money in your business, then this online course with live support could be the solution you’ve been searching for. This comprehensive course provides you with the tools and strategies you need to strategically grow your business and increase your revenue. 

With live support from someone who has been in your shoes and created a business that not only generates the income I need to meet my financial goals, but that provides the freedom to have the lifestyle that I dreamt of when I was working in a soul-sucking day job as well. 

Much of the standard advice doesn’t sit well with those of us who operate within the world of wellbeing. Many of us are fitting our businesses around childcare, other caring responsibilities, neurodivergence, the menopause, drastically fluctuating energy levels and an array of other commitments and challenges. 

And we’re also some of the nicest people on the planet and don’t always feel comfortable charging well for our services. 

I’ve got you. In the IGNITE Your Wellbeing Business programme, you’ll have the guidance and mentorship necessary to overcome any challenges and achieve your financial goals. 

Don’t let your business dreams stay just dreams – invest in yourself and your business today with this online course and start on the path to earning more money and creating the life you desire.

IGNITE! Your Wellbeing Business is for you if you are: 

  • A wellbeing business owner looking to expand your knowledge and skills in order to better serve your clients.
  • A yoga or pilates teacher seeking to deepen your understanding of the business side of teaching and grow your student base.
  • A holistic or complementary therapist aiming to build a sustainable and profitable practice while maintaining your commitment to holistic healing.
  • A new wellbeing business owner, wanting to establish a strong foundation for your venture and avoid common pitfalls.
  • A seasoned yoga teacher or therapist seeking fresh strategies to reinvigorate your offerings and attract a wider audience.
  • An aspiring wellbeing entrepreneur, looking to turn your passion for wellness into a thriving and fulfilling business.

Specific goals IGNITE! your Wellbeing Business can help with:

  • Gaining clarity about who you want to serve and what you want to offer them.
  • Building offers and packages that your clients want.
  • Making it easier for people to find, book and pay for your services. 
  • Helping you feel confident in talking about and selling your offers. 
  • Creating a marketing approach that doesn’t create dread or overwhelm and means you’ll never run out of things to say. 
  • Getting you out of thinking mode and into action mode with step by step actions to get you moving and keep you going. 
  • Developing a comprehensive business strategy that aligns with your values and goals, ensuring a solid foundation for long-term success.
  • Creating a business that you love to run and that loves you back by generating the income you need. 

By joining IGNITE! your Wellbeing Business, you’ll gain the knowledge, support, and tools necessary to achieve these goals and thrive in the competitive world of wellbeing entrepreneurship. Let me support you to take your business to new heights!

End living the daily grind and start living the life you designed!

I want you to wake up happy and inspired EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Are you ready to take charge. of your success and start running your wellbeing business profitably? You can pay in full, in 2, 3 or 6 instalments, because inclusivity is important, so find the way that works for you.

Your mind can think about what it wants, but your body holds the deeper secrets of your true desires. When you can FEEL certain, confident, connected and resilient, you are more likely to achieve your dreams. Tapping into the wisdom and intuition that your body holds is the hidden gem of this programme. You will also learn my daily Fearless Foundations method to retrain your nervous system to optimise your ability to stay calm under pressure, stay true to your mission and your goals. This daily ritual will ensure that you regularly check in with yourself, your progress and your desires, reduce your stress response and feel safe and calm so you can start every day in a positive frame of mind and body. 

Don’t just take my word for it!


Jess shares how boosting her confidence changed her life


Bev shares how coming on the programme benefitted her

Outline of the IGNITE Programme

You’ll have some pre-reading to get you thinking about how you will get the most out of the programme and the project or area of your life that you want to focus the process on.

Module 1 – Setting Strong Foundations

Introduction to the programme, your project, the confidence gap and the Fearless Foundations practice

Module 2 – Clarity and Confidence

Getting you clear about what is really important to you, your purpose and commitment. Finding your self-belief and the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Module 3 – Connection

Connecting deeply with your self and others. Finding the tribe that you vibe with, being completely yourself, and asking for and allowing help and support. 

Module 4 – Staying the Course

Building resilience, knowing what to do if you lose focus or go off course. Learning how to restart, and when to change your goals based on new information or ideas. The creation of action plans to take the learning from the programme forwards into your daily life.

You’ll have access to a Facebook group and a course hub where you’ll be able to find all of the resources for the course including workbooks, videos and audios.

New resources will be released on Monday mornings, and there will be a weekly live Zoom call on Friday evenings. Everything will be recorded so if you miss live, you’ll be able to catch up on replay in your own time.

Course Schedule:

Week 1 – 12th September 2022 – Introduction, Fearless Foundations Part 1

Week 2 – 19th September 2022 – Fearless Foundations Part 2

Week 3 – 26th September 2022 – Implementation Q&A

Week 4 – 3rd October 2022 – Clarity and purpose

Week 5 – 10th October 2022 – Confidence, fear and self-belief

Week 6 – 17th October 2022 – Implementation Q&A

Week 7 – 24th October 2022 – Connection and being yourself

Week 8 – 31st October 2022 – Finding your vibe tribe; connection to others

Week 9 – 7th November 2022 – Implementation Q&A

Week 10 – 14th November 2022 – Resilience building and staying the course

Week 11 – 21st November 2022 – Resetting and restarting

Week 12 – 28th November 2022 – Implementation, Q&A and Action Plans writing

Happy client
Kerstin is a business owner who previously completed the programme

Kerstin – Business owner and previous programme member

The course has helped me greatly to gain clarity and direction for the year ahead.

Not really knowing exactly what to expect within a group session, I signed up for Zoé’s course with a promise to myself to keep an open mind. Work with whatever comes my way and embrace the outcome.

Zoé has such a lovely and warm nature. I immediately felt drawn to her and adore the way she explains seemingly complicated topics relating to the human body and mind in a clear and understandable way. This is followed by practical exercises that stick and are easy to remember. Everyone connected quickly within the group thanks to Zoé. Our weekly sessions online provided a safe space to talk and to work through the topics. Each week is well structured with questions that are to the point. There are ample opportunities to ask for clarifications within the group’s FB platform or the online sessions. The group members started out as strangers but ended up as good friends.

Overall, I have learned so much about myself in these past weeks. The breathing and visualisation exercises are great tools to have in life. Abandoning limiting beliefs and learning again how to apply more self-love is a huge achievement for me. I feel so much more confident and relaxed in life and in business.  I now have an amazing tool set at my disposal to help me reset if and when needed.

I recommend Zoé in a heartbeat as the very skilled and exceptional life and mindset coach she is. Zoe is a role model and inspiration to me and to anyone else who aspires to live life with purpose and joy.

Kerstin – Businesswoman and previous programme member

Nigel – Master craftsman and previous programme member

The Program gave me a framework for thinking! After a head injury, I was feeling lost. Many things had changed and I was unable to recall, process and evaluate information in the same way. This made me very anxious, angry and frustrated. I was in a downward spiral.

Zoé’s program helped me to find who I am now, appreciate myself and move forward into the life I wanted. Of particular value, was the decision filter we made. Now, almost all of my decisions, large or small run through this. It has been an invaluable tool when the unexpected happens. I also learned how to control my breathing in order to access and employ the thinking part of my brain instead of the quick emotional part. Previously, it felt easier to fight people than formulate a considered, rational response.

Zoé has a joyful way of working with her groups; she is a unique blend of scientist and yogi. She offers some wonderful examples and analogies from her rich life experiences and adventures with a dash humour.

The program continues to move me forward armed with the thinking framework I longed to find. I am happier, calmer and excited about each day ahead. If you want to find fulfilment or just be a happier soul, I would highly encourage you to speak to Zoé and find out more about her program and how it can enrich your life.

Man standing in front of snowy mountains
Nigel came on the programme to help him with his recovery from a brain injury


5 months membership of the Wholehearted Happiness Club (worth £234)

5 Months Payment Plan with no extra charges

Early Bird Q&A Call before the programme starts so you can get the most out of the programme, meet your fellow team members and hit the ground running when it comes to September!

45 Minute One to One with me to discuss progress or deal with a particular issue, to be taken before or during the programme


Stacey shares how even her skeptical position was changed by the programme and how even a confident woman benefitted


Many used the skills she learnt to help her deal with life’s ups and downs

VIP Upgrade

If you’re serious about changing your life, you want to make sure that you get the very most out of your investment.

The programme will go deep into your subconscious and your experiences, and it may reveal blocks or issues that you didn’t even know were there. If you don’t shift these out of the way, moving forwards will be harder.

One to one coaching also gives you the time to consider your personal situation and create a path that is right for you. I ask the questions and you create your own way forward that feels right. If you get stuck, I can mentor you through, but the final decision is always yours. You learn to trust yourself and feel secure with your decision-making skills in a supported way during these sessions.

By upgrading to the VIP option, you will have access to a 90min one to one with me at each of the four implementation weeks during the programme, for £499.

If you know that you have underlying reasons that you might struggle to find your self-belief, have experienced difficult situations and need additional support from a therapeutic coach to access levels of change that are not available in a group setting, this option is a MUST for you.

Payment Plans are available, if you would like to set one up, contact me at [email protected] and we will get you all set up.

Mel Robbins can’t be everywhere so it’s just as well we have our very own wonderful South Coast version.  Zoe is so clever at marrying science with holistic learnings to explain clearly HOW THINGS ARE and she has such a huge wealth of life and career experiences to apply them to, to demonstrate both clearly and in plain English.  Zoe was very wholeheartedly recommended to me and I wholeheartedly recommend her to you 💓

Chloe Bullock, Interior Designer and Wholehearted Happiness Club member